Samstag, 2. Februar 2013

Leaving home to go home

Just a short text that I wrote before I left..I didn't find time to post it yet. I think it is the best way to describe how I was feeling.

Sitting here, surrounded by my packed suitcases I finally start to realize that my time here is over. That I have to leave everything behind me: my hostfamily, friends, school, daily life, people that were strangers and became part of my life ....and that I don't know when I'll come back. For some people Lumby might be the middle of nowhere, for me it was the middle of waking up every morning and living my daily life...
This is my second home and I know that I'll miss it a lot , even all the small things like watching a movie with my hostsister and that I'll probably be homesick at first. But I'm going to come back for a visit, that's for sure!!
I think this is even one of the most difficult things in an exchange: this being stuck between two different lifes...
In the moment it's being stuck between the sadness to leave my second home and the excitement to see all those people back in Germany again, people that always stood behind me, supported me and didn't forget me although I was so far away.
I'm so thankful that I had this opportunity, to go to Canada and have all those experiences..
This time means a lot to me and I will never forget it, not a single thing. I can't even find the words to describe everything. I had so many experiences, I got to know a new culture and a different way of living...and it got so much a part of me.
In some way leaving Canada is even more difficult for me than leaving Germany. When I said goodbye five months ago I knew I will see everybody soon but now not knowing when I'll be back to see everyone again.
And looking back now I don't regret anything, I would always decide to do this...and I can just say: everybody who has the opportunity to do something like this should do it!! Maybe not everything is going to be easy but it's worth doing it!!

xoxo Jana